Star Wars Wednesday - Three Links

So, I have a tiny bit more time this week so I'll up the post from two words to three links:

Star Wars: The Blueprints is due out next month. These are awesome books showing the actual working drawings used to create sets, models, etc. from the movies. The drawings are beautifully drafted and serve to remind me that when I got into architecture one of the reasons was to actually draw, not click a computer mouse all day long. Not that you can't do some cool things with the computer, but its not the same. Anyway, I'd love to own the new blueprints book, but it's limited edition super expensive, so it's highly unlikely to happen. The website has some good glimpses inside, though. If you want to see where Star Wars, architecture, drawing and deckplans come together for me, this is it. Maybe they'll come out with some kind of reasonably priced but less massive version someday.

The Order 66 podcast posted their interview with new Star Wars game licensee Fantasy Flight Games from GenCon this week. I...never listen to the Order 66 podcast...or at least I haven't actually listened to the entire episode yet. Hopefully, I'll finish it tomorrow. Anyway, at least I can't spoil anything for you here.

Oh, and Star Wars Celebration announced the Jedi Master and Jedi Knight package deals for attendees with the cash to spend. I actually thought it might have been a good thing to have at Celebration V. I don't know yet if I'm going to Celebration next year, but I'm not likely jump in on this deal even if I can go.