KC Game Fair

Star Wars Wednesday - Plans? What Plans?

With game days and other events coming up in the next few months, it's time for me to wrangle a few Star Wars convention adventures together. Rather, it's time for me to start pulling things together in order to hopefully avoid the last-minute rush putting characters or other items together. This and other upcoming posts will include a variety of thoughts about how I assemble, adapt, and hopefully improve on previous events. They'll include some combination of convention adventure design thoughts, how the game looks and works at the table, and how I often prepare my own gamemaster notes. Some posts will be longer than others, depending on how much time I've been able to spend in a particular week.
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Star Wars Wednesday - KCGF 2014

Sorry about yet another short hiatus. Travel, deadlines, cons, work...more or less the usual culprits. Last week was KC Game Fair, which I while I did get out some news about what I'd be running, I didn't get it posted here. Unlike past years, I had very little to do with convention planning this time, but I did sign up to run games almost every slot. Just one of those years I didn't want to leave anything out. 
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Star Wars Wednesday - KCGF X-Wing Trench Run

Last weekend was KC Game Fair, the local Kansas City gaming convention I help organize via the Roleplayers Guild of Kansas City, Ltd. We had a good turnout, and everyone seemed to have a good time. This year, I ran three rounds of the Star Wars Edge of the Empire Beta RPG, and two rounds of X-Wing Miniatures, using the Death Star Trench Run scenario by Dagobah Dave. I'll look at the RPG next week. This week, it's all X-wing.
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Star Wars Wednesday - Wookiees & Darths

This past week saw the running of the 2011 KC Game Fair. Though not as large as last year's version (nor was it expected to be, as last year was a bit unique), a lot of gamers had a good time, and a lot of money was raised for Harvesters along the way (though that isn't the focus of the con, Harvesters has been our charity of choice for years for donations raised at the con, with Toys for Tots a more recent addition).

As usual, I ran Star Wars Saga Edition a couple of times

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Star Wars Wednesday - 3,720 to 1

For years...say almost 20 now...I've run Star Wars RPGs at local gaming conventions and at GenCon. It is how I started writing RPG material in the first place. More on that in a future post. Since I started working on Saga Edition, I've used the convention adventures to highlight the latest books and my most recent publications. Once the end of the Saga Edition line was announced, I intended to make a few of these adventures available for free for others to use.
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KC Game Fair wrapup

KC Game Fair was this weekend and we had a fantastic turnout and a big boost in attendence, with hundreds of players over 4 days. There were as many people playing Saturday afternoon as there were the entire convention last year. We had RPGs, minis and wargames, boardgaems, LARPs, dealers and guests. Thanks to everyone who came out to play and help out. It was a great weekend of gaming.

SW Minis - Assault on Intran

Among the games I'll be running at this year's KC Game Fair / Shauncon is a large scale Star Wars Minis battle. However, you don't have to attend to participate - you can play one of the skirmishes leading up to the battle, and send me the results, which will impact aspects of the convention game. Click here for details.