Star Wars Wednesday - Previews

So, I'm running late for the first time in awhile. Fortunately, there are a few new Star Wars items in the news....

First, is Star Wars 1313, a new video game that is Bounty Hunter focused, and takes place on Coruscant level 1313. It's supposed to be "gritty" and more adult than some past games. You can check it out here, among other places. For tabletop RPG players, it may open up a whole new area of Coruscant, depending on how much they expand the already existing ideas of the harsher lower levels of the planet-city.

Next is the Clone Wars season 5 trailer. Once again, this season looks really good, and hopefully more action packed than the last...which was already very good.

For players of The Old Republic, info on new patches and releases came from E3. I don't play as often as I'd like.

For comic and novel fans, John Jackson Miller has had a string of announcements of late. You can get the complete list regarding Knight Errant at his website.