Star Wars Wednesday - Quick Take

Another short entry this week, with just a few RPG highlights to talk about...

First, Jay Little, designer of Edge of the Empire and X-Wing Miniatures is leaving Fantasy Flight Games as a full time employee due to health reasons. He still plans to keep freelancing for them, however. You can get more information from his twitter feed.

FFG posted a bit about the Game Master section of Edge of the Empire on their site this week. This was one of my sections of the core rulebook, much of which wasn't included in the Beta. There has also been development along the way...

Next, the GSA website has a review of the Edge of the Empire Free RPG Day adventure, In the Shadows of a Black Sun.

Don't forget that GenCon prereg ends soon. You can find info on FFG events here.

Finally, Beyond the Rim picked up a mention on the SUVUDU blog. case you missed it, my latest Dragon article went live this week on D&D Insider: History Check: Martek and the Desert of Desolation. You must be subscriber to read it.