Star Wars Wednesday - Quick! Age of Rebellion, Kenobi

I know, you'd think that after GenCon, things would slow down. Not so much for awhile yet. I have just enough time to post a couple of a bit about Age of Rebellion and Kenobi.

Of course, since I don't have time, they're links, but they're way more helpful than I would be anyway.

First, the GSA has a review of Age of Rebellion, so you can decide if you want to jump into the beta.

Next, John Jackson Miller's latest Star Wars novel released this week. You can get a lot of details from John's website. You should also check out his blog post on - and the really cool, latest version of the Tatooine map, and his comments about it. If you're running a Tatooine game in the RPG, this is a must have. As for the book, I still have to pick it up, though I'm heavily leaning towards the audiobook version because that is still one of my favorite ways to get into new stories. The soundtrack and special effects add a lot, at least for me. I'll probably end up with both eventually.

And finally, I had this waiting for me when I got back from GenCon...










And just in case you don't recognize the logo....