Star Wars Wednesday - More and More Star Wars

So, Star Wars is in no danger of ending anytime soon....

It shouldn't be a surprise, but it looks like Star Wars stories will be continuing for years to come. This week brought news of a new live action TV show and a new trilogy of movies. The idea of a live action TV show has been around for seemingly ever, back to The Clone Wars days at least.

It will be interesting to see where the idea of a new trilogy leads, and where it lands in the timeline. I was talking with someone at the most recent convention who was a causal Star Wars fan and revealed they didn't understand where Rogue One fit into the overall storyline until pretty far into the movie. So, no matter how much marketing is out there, some fairly fundamental things don't reach everyone ahead of time. 

Rebels reached its mid season hiatus with a dramatic attack episode and first sightings of the X-Wings in the show. Since the X-wings hadn't shown up yet, I was beginning to wonder if we might see some version of the Legends X-wing/Incom acquisition story, but that wasn't the case. I do wonder if we'll ever see a fresh-off-the-line X-wings instead of just the beat up varieties. We did get a variation on the Dark Empire World Devestators last week. For this week's Rebel assault, it was good to see some effective Imperial defense in the story. Sometimes I wonder if there is any security at all when the Rebels are sneaking about. I'm also hoping for some Thrawn tactics before the end of the season. 

One month to Episode 8!

Fantasy Flight Games updated its upcoming schedule. The new Genesys RPG now has a release date of 11/30. Genesys uses the Star Wars RPG system as a basis for games in any setting. 

Reminder! The GamerNation Con 5 Kickstarter is running for a few more days yet.