Star Wars Wednesday - X-Winging It

I've been getting back into playing X-Wing Miniatures regularly of late. Along with Rogue One (maybe because of it), has me looking at all thing X-Wing related, and not just the minis game. 

So, I've taken up playing in a local X-Wing league, which as usual means I'm only making it to about half of the available days. I'm out of practice, and a lot of new ships are out, so it's been interesting to see the wide variety of combinations. Plus the league has been using a theme each week to change things up. If the timing works out, and I think I'm doing well enough, I might try out a tournament game. I haven't done that since winning the Kessel Run event years ago, and the Millennium Falcon in the process. I want to get into Armada more as well, but we'll see. 

I learn better by watching or playing than just reading the rules, so various YouTube series have been very helpful to get back into the swing of things. I also checked out some of the more recent World Championships recordings from FFG.  I generally like to make my own squadrons rather than keep track of whatever the latest craze is. I figure I'll see them soon enough. It's fun to compare my builds to the competition and see what they recognize as good combinations and what they find "interesting." It's also fun when someone gets inspired by my list. Similarly, it's helpful to catch some of FFG's 101 series on the website. 

I recently saw that someone is doing a graphics update for the original X-Wing PC game, and it looks really good. In the process, I also ran across a video of the new VR variety. The progression makes for a great comparison of graphics and gameplay. 

The original 1993 version. Watching this person fly makes me want to take over. 

The modern graphics update. I approve of the Nebulon-B.

The newfangled VR variety from PlayStation. Just how many TIE fighters can one ship take out, anyway? (Hint: they list the leaderboard at the end). K2SO is very well done. 

Moving on to RPG news, FFG announced Force and Destiny Disciples of Harmony, a Consular sourcebook. I wasn't involved in this one. Following up No Disintegrations, the bounty hunter specialization card packs are now available.