Star Wars Wednesday Gen Con Prep and More

Gen Con is next week, so of course I'm not ready everyone else going to Gen Con. 

Actually, things are going reasonably well. The 30 Years of Star Wars RPGs panel is coming together. There are still tickets available, and I expect there will be space for those who show up on the spur of the moment. 

I have my Star Wars Edge of the Empire adventure from FFG - Showdown at Raxus Prime....a location I'm very familiar with. Should be fun. The FFG events are sold out, but as always, it is worth showing up with generic tickets because there are often (but not always) spots that open up due to no-shows. 

There's no end to Star Wars news lately. I'm still floored that my friend Jason Fry was announced as the novelist for The Last Jedi. He's on The Star Wars Show this week. 

Entertainment Weekly has a load of new pics from The Last Jedi in their movie guide issue. They're also doing some videos, but I feel like they're a little bit spoilery so I've stopped watching them.

I've also started following Han Solo movie director Ron Howard's instagram as he posts some non spoiler behind the scenes shots of the shoots: 

Safety meeting prior to our shooting day #pinewoodstudios #UntitledHanSoloMovie

A post shared by RealRonHoward (@realronhoward) on

Now, back to prep.....