Star Wars Wednesday - Star Wars Days

Monday was the increasingly popular Star Wars day, or May the Fourth Be with You. I tend to think a day later in May is more suitable, but a terrible pun is amusing and memorable, so most seem to be running with it. Sometimes, it seems like everyone is trying to get in on the action - a point made on Monday's @midnight show on Comedy Central. Lots of deals and a few really good announcements. And Celebration news and stories keep surfacing, especially now that more videos are hitting the internet. 


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Star Wars Wednesday - Celebration Anaheim 2015, Part 1

Star Wars Celebration Anaheim was fantastic. It certainly had a seemingly never-ending stream of announcements and news, starting off with a bang with the new Star Wars Episode VII trailer. It's as big or a bigger hit around the world as it was at the show. But, Celebration had far more than that. For starters, it sold out 4 day tickets, Saturday, and Sunday tickets. 
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Star Wars Wednesday - Star Wars Celebration Anaheim, Almost There

On the way to Star Wars Celebration Anaheim. The is an extremely early flight, following a too short night brought about by too many deadlines and other work compressed by said deadlines. I'm ready to be done with that for awhile. On the plus  side, no line at security. This looks to be written in at least two airports and an airplane. Ten minutes to boarding. Time enough to pass along a couple of fun things I hinted at last week that I get to be part of at Celebration.
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SW Celebration Anaheim - Star Wars with Fantasy Flight Games Panel

I'm very excited that I get to be part of Fantasy Flight Games seminar/panel, suitably named Star Wars with Fantasy Flight Games. It will be on Friday, at 1:30 at the Fan Stage. Fellow panelists will be Steve Horvath (FFG SVP of Marketing and Communications), Steve Kimball (FFG Board Game Manager), and artist Jake Murray.

Here is the event link in the Celebration Show Planner. 


Star Wars Wednesday - TIEd Up

It's Wendesday, isn't it?  Sorry, too many deadlines for the moment, but here's a great Star Wars TIE Fighter short movie in an '80s anime style that appeared this week. A shorter version was released quite awhile back. There are perhaps a few too many x-ray eyeball shots, but it's very well done, and fans of the TIE Fighter PC game should recognize quite a few things from the game.
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Star Wars Wednesday - Planet Comicon 2015

Planet Comicon was very successful again this year. The crowd control was better. The main hall probably had more than last year (hard to tell), and the main stage was a huge upgrade in size and atmosphere. There was plenty of Star Wars, and the light saber dealer appeared to clean up, given the number of sabers seen around the con. The 501st, Rebel Legion, and other groups were attended, complete with photo-op dioramas and even a mock up of a Rebel snowspeeder.
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Star Wars Wednesday - A Week of Announcements

It's been quite a week so far, and it's only Wednesday, and there is much more to come. It's one of those times when the stars align and bunch of stuff is announced at once. Also, I'm really glad I didn't get a chance to write this last night, given that one of the announcements is today. So what's up? A released adventure, a new announced title, and I'll be at a convention this weekend and next. Fun times. 
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Pranac Pursuit Releases to Kickstarter Backers

Tonight, Pinnacle Entertainment Group released my adventure Pranac Pursuit for the Savage Worlds RPG setting The Last Parsec to last year's kickstarter backers. It looks great. 

As members of Jumpcorp, your team is assigned to find out what happened to a Jumpcorp scout ship that went missing months ago in the unexplored Pranac star system. It's a sci-fi exploration adventure complete with new aliens and unexpected happenings. 


Star Wars Force and Destiny Core Rulebook Release Announced

Today, Fantasy Flight Games announced the upcoming release of the third Star Wars RPG core rulebook, Star Wars Force and Destiny RPG. As with the other core rulebook, this is a standalone book that doesn't require either of the previous books to use. As usual, it is completely compatible with the earlier works for those who want to mix and match. 

Force users are rather obviously the central focus of the book. Perhaps not so obvious for those who haven't tried out the Beta from last year is that it isn't a Jedi sourcebook per se. Existing in the same time frame as Edge of the Empire and Age of Rebellion, Force users are mostly on their own when it comes to training and survival. 

I was one of the writers on this book. All I can say for now is that I worked on the GM chapter, as small part of it appeared in the Beta. 

The book is due to be released in the third quarter of this year.

Star Wars EotE Lords of Nal Hutta Released

Today, Fantasy Flight Games announced the release of Star Wars Edge of the Empire Lords of Nal Hutta, a sourcebook for Hutt Space. I had a lot of fun writing about the Hutts, chronicling their complex history, reconciling known information, working through the Hutt Ruling Council, getting the opportunity to create new kajidics, and more. That's just Chapter 1.

Following on, there are new playable species, encounters, and more. They are all usable for adventures and campaigns in and around Hutt Space - as well as adding to opportunities to use Hutts in the galaxy at large.

More on this in future Star Wars Wednesday posts.

Star Wars Wednesday - Plans? What Plans?

With game days and other events coming up in the next few months, it's time for me to wrangle a few Star Wars convention adventures together. Rather, it's time for me to start pulling things together in order to hopefully avoid the last-minute rush putting characters or other items together. This and other upcoming posts will include a variety of thoughts about how I assemble, adapt, and hopefully improve on previous events. They'll include some combination of convention adventure design thoughts, how the game looks and works at the table, and how I often prepare my own gamemaster notes. Some posts will be longer than others, depending on how much time I've been able to spend in a particular week.
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